
The mirror command creates a mirror image of an entity, or we could say that the mirror tool “flips an entity over”. This will be useful if you want to create a drawing face up and then flip it over, in the same way that you will flip your slab over to cut it on the CNC machine.

First you will specify the start point of the mirror line. The mirror line is the line on which the entity will flip. If the mirror line is not perfectly vertical or horizontal, the mirrored entity will be tilted. The length of the line is not important, it can be any arbitrary length as long as it distinct from the start point.

Once the mirror line has been specified, the option is given to delete the source entity.

Mirror Quick Reference





Menu bar


Command Window Example

Creates a mirror image, on a vertical line and deletes the original entity. 

: mirror
Specify start point of mirror line>> <click on a point, movement will be relative to this location>
Specify end point of mirror line>> @1<90
Confirm: Delete source entities?
Specify Yes or No>> yes