This is a portion of our DraftSight User Manual, which should be accessible via the EagleRock Help icon on your machine's Desktop. If you do not have a Help icon, contact EagleRock customer support to have this feature added.
Zoom & Pan
You can zoom in and out and pan in the following ways:
Rotate the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
Click and hold the mouse wheel button to grab and pan the window.
Activate the Zoom Toolbar and use the buttons to zoom in and out.
The Zoom Fit command zooms so that all of the entities you have created fit in the current view. You can either double click the mouse wheel, execute the zoomfit command (or zla its alias) in the command window, or click the zoomfit button found in the Zoom Toolbar. Zoom Fit is useful when you scale your drawing, which will cause the drawing to go well outside the bounds of your window.